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So I hit a deer.


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My bike got a little beat up but I’m ok and I was wearing full gear. so just got some scratches. I hit the deer going about 55 mph I tried to keep up after and ended up falling off the right side and sliding. It ran straight out a ditch in front of me. Couldn’t even react!  My poor bike! I’m going to assess what it needs to get back riding again but initial it for sure needs forks and radiator and front fender. seems repairable. Rest is minor stuff. 



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  • Premium Member

Glad to see you come out relatively unscathed. 👍 


This is why ATGATT regardless of how good a  rider you think you are. Thanks for posting. It's a good reminder.


Hopefully the bike's damage will look less severe once all the mud is washed off.


Did the deer survive unscathed?

Just shut up and ride.

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Wow. Glad to hear you're ok. Sucks about the bike but you're more important. How badly damaged was your gear? Id hate to think what would've happened if you just wore a shirt and some shorts 

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Everything had scratches my gloves, jacket and my pants. My helmet even has scratches. I need everything new. I would’ve been messed up with nothing on! It does look better washed off, the whole left side of the bike got away with no damage and right side has some rash on the fairing, seat has a small tear,  tail fairing some Light scuffs and my rear set is bent. Engine cases are untouched which is nice. scuffs if the radiator tubes going to the water pump. Brake lever got bent where the lever goes into it. Good time to get some 2018 parts I guess and convert. 

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  • Premium Member

Glad to hear you are OK.  We have a lot of deer around here too, and I know how they can suddenly appear out of nowhere.

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Glad to read you are OK.  Shame to damage your beloved bike but that can be put right. I nearly suffered the same. Big deer ran out across just in front of me. I had no time even to scream or brake.  I missed it.  Was a shock. Hope you are back on the road soon.

Just do it! 

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Glad you are OK.


I know how that is because I've hit two deer while riding my motorcycles:


First was back about 1992 riding my 1990 Yamaha DT200R, a 2-stroke dual-purpose bike sold in Canada at the time (great bike, by the way).

As usual, the deer was at the side of the road, hears me coming,  and turns toward me, not away from me as you'd expect, seemingly trying to get hit by somebody.

I hit it at the side, T-bone style, and we both went down.

I was going about 40 mph at impact, was all geared-up, and ended-up merely sliding down the road along with my bike for a bit.

I came to a stop and was a bit dazed for a couple of seconds, gathered my wits, and then saw the deer get up and run away from me.

I picked up my DT, did a survey for damage, started it up, and rode the mile-or-so distance back home.

No injuries.


Second time was in 2007, riding my 2003 Yamaha FZ-1, going about 30 mph in a residential area about 1.5 miles from home.

Again, the deer comes bolting from my right, as if trying to get hit, it seems.

Well, the right-hand lower fork leg of my FZ gave him a good shot, as did my radiator, my right boot, and muffler canister.

The handlebar flinched slightly, but I stood upright, realized I'd hit something, and slowly pulled over to see the dead deer on the side of the road.

Had to replace the bent radiator, an easy but pricey job.

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Glad you are Ok. I would bet money the deer got up and pranced away, giggling. (the tough bastards!) 😉


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Never admit to hitting an animal, not politically correct and the animal rights activists will have you jailed. JK.

The deer hit you!




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