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AH! The theme changed!


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Anyone know how to change the theme back to one that doesn't hurt my eyes? I find the Dark themes brutal to look at. I miss the light one!

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26 minutes ago, Cruizin said:

As I have been trying to tell everyone, just go to the bottom of the forum on any page and click on "theme".  Choose light or dark. 


See, wasn't that easy? <img src=">

Is it supposed to be there on phones, too?  I thought that was where it was, but I don't see it there on my phone anymore.  Not on the home page or anywhere.  I scrolled up and down several times, didn't see it.

It's no big deal to me, I like the dark theme, but can live with anything.

Samsung S4 Active with Android 5.0.1.  (Yeah, it's old and outdated, but so am I.)


Editt:  Just checked my laptop.  Not there either.  PC running Windows 10. 

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15 minutes ago, rider said:

Is it supposed to be there on phones, too?  I thought that was where it was, but I don't see it there on my phone anymore.  Not on the home page or anywhere.  I scrolled up and down several times, didn't see it.

It's no big deal to me, I like the dark theme, but can live with anything.

Samsung S4 Active with Android 5.0.1.  (Yeah, it's old and outdated, but so am I.)


Editt:  Just checked my laptop.  Not there either.  PC running Windows 10. 

Well, I guess that isnt so easy afterall. I changed the theme back to light and am working on getting the theme button put back for all members. @DionDesigns

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Ok @topazsparrow and everyone else. If you still cannot see the "theme" button on the bottom of the page, please logout, clear your browsers coockies/cache or delete history, and then log back in. 


We tested it with a regular memeber account and the theme button should be there for all.

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2 minutes ago, Cruizin said:

Ok @topazsparrow and everyone else. If you still cannot see the "theme" button on the bottom of the page, please logout, clear your browsers coockies/cache or delete history, and then log back in. 


We tested it with a regular memeber account and the theme button should be there for all.




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Don't mean to sound like a whiner @Cruizin, I'm sure you have reasons for a lot of the changes lately, but it seems like a lot of the changes are hampering usability on a desktop experience.


The front page index is now a HUGE font and I can't easily browse the entire list without scrolling or zooming out. Seems like a lot of wasted space, especially compared to the appropriately sized font in the recent topics area.





Appreciate letting us change the themes back and forth now though. I can read again!!

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