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Pivot Grease Every 4kmi


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The manual says there's about half dozen pivot points that need lithium grease every 4 kmi.  Who does these?  If so, any pointers?  Pictures are appreciated.  😆😆

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I do.

Most don't.

It's up to you.

I like my controls to be like butter because 8 inches at climax is a big deal to me. 8 inches to you, I have no idea.


 Tips? Keep the bug guts, road muck and smeg out. Proper lube in and the ride is more enjoyable. I use grease in pivots, fulcrums and linkages. Dry lube (silicone or graphite) in cables and throttle tube. I change the grease often to avoid using it as a grinding compound when it mixes with gunk.

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I get lubed before every ride so as not to notice those pesky pivot points, ha!  😉  I joke but I am one of those guys that waits for such things to tap me on the shoulder and tell me they're starting to get a little dry and then I reach deep inside to summon the strength to open the tool box.


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