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The "Get out and Ride!" Picture Challenge Thread.


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This is something we all can do. We all ride and the vast majority of us have camera phones with us at all times. There's no real rules and the idea is simple. Think of it kinda like a game of "Horse". If someone posts a picture of their bike on the beach, you go out and recreate that picture. If you complete that part of the challenge and post that pic,  then it's your chance to create the next challenge. Just snap a pic of your bike at another location/landmark/scenario of your choosing and post that picture to be the next challenge. You get two chances to shamelessly show off your bike in the same post!  Makes sense? Of course it does! 

The Only Rule: No old photos! Don't go digging around in your old files to find matching pics to complete a challenge. The idea is to go ride, so it has to be fresh pics inspired by the current challenge.

Well, let's get this ball rolling....


...Challenge #1 : Your bike in or around an abandoned building.



disclaimer: I'm gonna cheat a bit with the rule by starting with an old pic. But I currently have 16 staples in the palm of my throttle hand, and it's my thread, so deal with it 🤣 


Now, let's go ride! And post pics!




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that one is easy, but there is still too much snow here in quebec.


so here my picture


IMG_6593 (Large).JPG


and here is the next challenge

a picture of your bike by  a bridge


20180530_155327 (Large).jpg

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2 hours ago, NainConPetant said:

that one is easy, but there is still too much snow here in quebec.


so here my picture


IMG_6593 (Large).JPG


and here is the next challenge

a picture of your bike by  a bridge


20180530_155327 (Large).jpg

We have had this going for five years, its fun.  Please see below and add it to the existing game. 


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2 hours ago, shinyribs said:

This is something we all can do. We all ride and the vast majority of us have camera phones with us at all times. There's no real rules and the idea is simple. Think of it kinda like a game of "Horse". If someone posts a picture of their bike on the beach, you go out and recreate that picture. If you complete that part of the challenge and post that pic,  then it's your chance to create the next challenge. Just snap a pic of your bike at another location/landmark/scenario of your choosing and post that picture to be the next challenge. You get two chances to shamelessly show off your bike in the same post!  Makes sense? Of course it does! 

The Only Rule: No old photos! Don't go digging around in your old files to find matching pics to complete a challenge. The idea is to go ride, so it has to be fresh pics inspired by the current challenge.

Well, let's get this ball rolling....


...Challenge #1 : Your bike in or around an abandoned building.



disclaimer: I'm gonna cheat a bit with the rule by starting with an old pic. But I currently have 16 staples in the palm of my throttle hand, and it's my thread, so deal with it 🤣 


Now, let's go ride! And post pics!




We already have this game going, this game has been going for five years, since the bike came out. 


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