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New member Vancouver Island

2018 MT-07

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2018 MT-07

Hey everbody, just wanted to say hi.

I bought a new 2018 MT-07 less than a month ago as my first bike. I'm fully addicted to riding now, and adding parts.

I've got about 4000km on it now, averaging over 1000km per week.

Super Awesome! 

Have fun out there!!


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Pix or it didn't happen. 😁


Welcome to the family.

Just shut up and ride.

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Welcome and congrats! You know, I recently purchased a 90' yacht that I got for a steal at only 1.8 mill! 

lol! Pics or it didn't happen! 😉


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2018 MT-07

Lol, once I figure this picture thing out I'll prove my worthiness here.

The riding weather is perfect here at the moment.

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