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Anyone ever compare the newer saddle on the updated bike?


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Was wondering if anyone notices a difference riding with the newer saddle on the updated bike?

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Unfortuneatly ive never ridden the new model. Only sat on it at the dealer. Seems shaped better, but cant really comment on cushioning. Sorry. 

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I have a '14 and rode a '19 recently ( 2 trips of 20 miles). I thought the  '19 seat was more comfortable. The suspension was better too.

Just do it! 

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On 6/4/2019 at 4:43 AM, robbo10 said:

I have a '14 and rode a '19 recently ( 2 trips of 20 miles). I thought the  '19 seat was more comfortable. The suspension was better too.

Does it feel flatter, less sloped, wider ect ect? 


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My impression is that it was more horizontal (I think both seats are 'flat').  I seemed to sit more 'in' it, I felt, than 'on' my bike.  That said, these were very brief experiences on the new bike and I would not put too much store by these comments. Maybe you could find the two bikes at a dealer?  Our own physique also plays some part in this issue too. 

Just do it! 

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Jump ahead to @5:01 in the video, then ahead to @11:19. (There's a good laugh at @12:49.)

I would like to add: Don't mount your mirrors turned down like that if you buy some. I have CRG Lane Splitter mirrors like in the video on my FZ-07 but I can see out of mine because they're mounted turned up instead of down where your arms block your view to them. Why the guy has them like that is beyond me. 


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