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Irish MT07 Owner


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8 hours ago, lavabuild said:

Hi all,  2017 MT07 owner from Ireland here.  Have owned the bike now for 1 year and love it.




Just now, robbo10 said:

Welcome. You have some great rides over there.

Mmm, Ireland, beautiful. And the road racing, top notch.

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Mossrider:  "Road racing, top notch"

My son, a resident, took his bike-mad 6yr old son to see the road racing there. After watching a dozen or so  riders go by, he turned to his father and said: "Can we go home now?".....!

Just do it! 

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Just now, robbo10 said:

Mossrider:  "Road racing, top notch"

My son, a resident, took his bike-mad 6yr old son to see the road racing there. After watching a dozen or so  riders go by, he turned to his father and said: "Can we go home now?".....!

It's certainly not for everyone but I'd consider putting the kid in a gunny sack and dropping him the riv....kidding.

Those guys need popcorn bowls for seats to carry their balls.

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  • Premium Member

Welcome, glad you love your MT-07, I'm pretty happy with my FZ-07, stay safe ATGATT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome! Its always cool to me see all the places people come from on this forum. The FZ/MT fun really is globally appreciated haha.  Enjoy your bike and enjoy the forum. Some good people and a ton of good info on the site. 

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