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Home Made Brake Fluid Reservoir Bracket


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Recently pulled the passenger pegs with brackets off the Red Baron.  Since the brake reservoir holder was part of the right side peg bracket, I took a  1/8" x 3/4" piece of rolled steel, cut to length, made bends and holes in the correct locations, painted it a nice satin black, and mounted to the right side Motech saddle bag mount.  Works like a champ.  Very sturdy.  Total was about $10 from Lowes.  Looks professional. 

FYI:  The Motech saddle bag mounts use the same screw holes as the passenger peg mounts.  I did have to drill two holes in the mount to accommodate the home made reservoir bracket.  Was a very satisfying little project.

The reservoir bracket is mounted behind the saddle bag mount so the screw heads are visible.  Beyond that just a small portion of the black painted steel that the reservoir is attached to. 



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1 hour ago, Bigturbomax said:

Pics or it didnt happen!

lol!  Okay, pics if you insist, but they'll have to wait until I'm home tomorrow to snap some.

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Ok. It sounds like a tidy little project. I always enjoy seeing the ingenuity of fellow board members. 

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