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Silly Drops


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What biker hasn't dropped his or her bike and felt silly afterwards? Here's a tip that may help in avoiding those again.

I would like to add that from my own experience and more times than none I've almost dropped bikes when I was leaned just a little and came to a sudden stop using mostly front brake. It will start to fall over before you get your foot off the peg so yeah, keep it upright when coming to a stop.


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I have had to make an unexpected stop on a roundabout. Just a bit of lean, and down she went. Grrr. (Not the 07)

Just do it! 

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Good tips.  I've dropped my baby twice.  Once when I was a new rider and trying to U-turn on a steep dirt driveway and didn't give enough gas.  Second time stalled on an inclined parking lot trying to do a very slow speed tight 90 turn.  Bike just stopped dead and went straight down.  Neither time did any damage more than cosmetic (scuffed frame slider, mirror, and bar end, broke footpeg feeler stick? on the parking lot incident)  Both times just needed more gas to keep the revs up while playing with the friction zone.  I figure it is better to happen while practicing than on the street.  I push the limits when doing my slow speed practice, so it's my fault really.  I'd never need to do such slow speed and/or tight turns on the street / parking lots under normal riding situations.

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