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A Bit Too Much?


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I think it would be cooler if if the rider would stop bouncing it off the rev-limiter 🙄

""W.O.T. until you see god, then brake"

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Kylershm, That is a seriously cool bike.. Stock fork outers or have you changed them?

Go forth and modify my son...go forth and modify...

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1 hour ago, gregjet said:


Kylershm, That is a seriously cool bike.. Stock fork outers or have you changed them?

Here's a more recent photo. Everything is stock except the tyres (TKC80 front, Shinko 805 rear), the exhaust, I've also done "Kev's fuel mod and O2 sensor mode" which have completely fixed the atrocious fuelling the XT660 lump has from factory. DNA filter hiding in there too. I've added fork gaiters here as well.

The stock suspension on this bike is so far ahead of the crap that comes on the MT07 it's not funny. There is no way you could hit the rough stuff on the MT07 without jarring the crap out of yourself and the bike, but despite having limited suspension travel, this baby soaks up the bumps so easily and also doesn't pogo on the road. I corner quicker on this bike with the knobbies than I do on the MT07 because it feels so much more in control.

My only issue with this bike is the agricultural lump that propels it. The XT660 motor is so boring and sounds terrible. It hates being lugged at anything under 3krpm and then hits the limiter by 8.5krpm. The ONLY thing it has going for it is the silky smooth gearbox which is far nicer to use than the MT07, but in every other facet it falls well short of the CP2. Such a shame that they didn't put that motor in this chassis.

Day to day, I always pick the MT :)



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"Such a shame that they didn't put that motor in this chassis."...Weellll, you have a 07 and the 03...

The 07 with decent suspension is quite good on rough stuff. I am running a Nitron which is a bit harsh, but an Ohlins ( like on my CB500X) would work perfectly well. The biggest problem with the 07 in the gravel is the oversize floaty rear tyre. Even worse in the dirt than on the tar. The forks, with pattonme's internals handle it OK, but really are designed for the road so fight a bit on the rough.

Still the 03 looks  awesome.

Go forth and modify my son...go forth and modify...

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I sold my MT-03 almost entirely because I never gelled with the motor. I did think it was a 'strong' engine, but I needed another cylinder in it. Fine bike otherwise. The MT-07 arrived at just the right time for me.

Just do it! 

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