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2WDW 520 Chain and sprockets


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Looking for something to do when the snow starts falling later in the year. Has anyone done the 520 super bike chain and sprocket conversion on their MT-07? Is it worth doing, or should I wait until the stock chain and sprockets wear out? I think I'm definitely going to keep her for a long while. I've looked at the Tracer 900GT and I like it but I think I like the fuel mileage better on my MT-07 more and it also has more than enough power to hit triple digits easily. LOL. I try to keep the "I NEED MORE POWER!" out of my mind. I try to be sensible because most of my driving is on town roads so it would be overkill. LOL. 


Edited by Devilman
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Other than a minor loss of rotating mass, you're not going to notice any difference between the two via butt dyno. I'd wait until you're ready to change sprocket size or the current chain/sprockets are ready for replacement. 

Just shut up and ride.

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Ditto what @DewMan said.  I did the 520 conversion when my chain needed replacing.  There is no noticeable change in power although I am sure there is a very slight increase.  Wait until your chain needs replacement. 

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