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Feel free to start new topics, even off the wall stuff


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Getting kind of redundant in here. Do any of you post on other forums too? Feel free t start off the wall topics on the off topic board, or just create some new conversations please!
We have almost 1000 members, why not start having some fun?

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On one side, we got basically 1000 in what, 7 months? Thrilled with that. Only bummer part is alot are lurkers who rightfully mine for info, that's why I created this place but they hardly post.
I read some funny off the wall stuff on other bike forums, and my mods get bored so please, let me know if you have new board requests and share the cool stuff.

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...my mods get bored so please,

Tried to use a funking curse word, it won't let me. But I can still keep them busy, plenty of porn and spamming. I'll try to come up with new threads too.
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It's winter in places that get cold weather, and those bikes are put away.
People preparing for Christmas and New Year's Day.
Myself, the off-season is chassis teardown and lube time.Maybe I'll post a pic or two if somebody wants to see what the swingarm, shock linkage, and steering head bearings look like.

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  • Premium Member
It's winter in places that get cold weather, and those bikes are put away. People preparing for Christmas and New Year's Day.
Myself, the off-season is chassis teardown and lube time.Maybe I'll post a pic or two if somebody wants to see what the swingarm, shock linkage, and steering head bearings look like.
This started off rhyming so I was expecting a clever poem.  
I'd still like to see your pics.

Illegitimi non carborundum

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It's winter in places that get cold weather, and those bikes are put away. People preparing for Christmas and New Year's Day.
Myself, the off-season is chassis teardown and lube time.Maybe I'll post a pic or two if somebody wants to see what the swingarm, shock linkage, and steering head bearings look like.
Hey, how bout doing a "how to" on lubing the steering head bearings?
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will be making a thread soon on vinyl wrapping the bike . ill b posting a poll on what color the forum members want me to do the bike. also setting up a promo code for forum members to get a special package discount. just need to do some backend stuff on the website. ill be doing that soon. @cruzin ill message you soon to see how to be a supporting vender for the community.

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I belong to a forum called DooTalk, it's all about ski-doo sleds and has 116,234 members. Now mind you it has been around since 2003 even it gets slow in the summer time and then is busier than all hell in the winter. With only 1000 members (which is awesome for such a short time!) and being less than a year old it's bound to get slow around here for a while, after christmas I think it will pick up. People will start thinking about spring already lol
Cheers and Merry Christmas everyone!

2015 Matte Metallic Grey FZ-07

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DooTalk is a pretty cool forum. I just want to spice the place up a bit. Alot of our members visit without logging in to get info, which is cool and all but I'd like to hear more from them.
Sites like ADV rider and the sort stay busy year round, but then again they are alot older than this site.
I catch myself logging in here to talk about bikes, and then going on other bike forums to laugh and joke around, and that ends now.
I wanna have some fun here.

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  • Global Moderator
will be making a thread soon on vinyl wrapping the bike . ill b posting a poll on what color the forum members want me to do the bike. also setting up a promo code for forum members to get a special package discount. just need to do some backend stuff on the website. ill be doing that soon. @cruzin ill message you soon to see how to be a supporting vender for the community.
I want to see a plaid vinyl wrap :). Perhaps I should not be posting when I have been drinking....
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will be making a thread soon on vinyl wrapping the bike . ill b posting a poll on what color the forum members want me to do the bike. also setting up a promo code for forum members to get a special package discount. just need to do some backend stuff on the website. ill be doing that soon. @cruzin ill message you soon to see how to be a supporting vender for the community.
I want to see a plaid vinyl wrap :). Perhaps I should not be posting when I have been drinking....
perhaps. lol
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It's winter in places that get cold weather, and those bikes are put away. People preparing for Christmas and New Year's Day.
Myself, the off-season is chassis teardown and lube time.Maybe I'll post a pic or two if somebody wants to see what the swingarm, shock linkage, and steering head bearings look like.
Hey, how bout doing a "how to" on lubing the steering head bearings?
Consider it coming within the next few weeks when true winter weather and road conditions arrive.Will probably be more of a pictorial with a sentence or two under each pic, mainly to demonstrate that the average guy can do this stuff. 
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