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The MT-07 Forum

Hello from sunny Socal!


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Just picked my new FZ07 from Del Amo in Redondo Beach, CA.  7500 OTD ... 
Ive always modded all my cars, but this will be my first bike... What mods do most people do here? I'm guessing tail tidy, frame sliders, radiator cover, windscreen, maybe exhaust?? 
Any advice is appreciated!! 
Safe riding everyone!

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  • Premium Member

Welcome turboawdftw! Sounds like you got a good deal, what color did you get?
Add suspension and shorty levers and the mod list is pretty much complete!

Illegitimi non carborundum

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  • Premium Member

Welcome! I almost got my bike from that same shop.

Instagram: @meekmade | You don't need to flat foot a bike to ride it.

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Welcome turboawdftw! Sounds like you got a good deal, what color did you get?  
Add suspension and shorty levers and the mod list is pretty much complete!
i got the dark grey, i liked the blue wheels/chassis! so when you say suspension, you're talking about both front and rear? It feels a bit soft, but roads in Southern California aren't the best... I will look into shorty levers... 
any recommendations for both suspension and shorty levers?
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  • Premium Member

There is a lot of discussion on suspension upgrades here.
Levers are discussed throughout the forum. There are a few if you click on the Amazon FZ-07 Part link on the header.

Illegitimi non carborundum

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Congratulations.. Im in Torrance area.  Looking to buy an FZ 07  within a month or so.  Talked to the guys at Del Amo, and after a little going back and forth they gave the same OTD price..  Sounds like that's the fair price for our area.. Enjoy the new ride.

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