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Huge Helmet sale


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Or tiny ones, but the Arai Doom helmet has all sizes. I bought my HJC a few months back for $150 I would have gladly spend $340ish on a helmet weighing 2.2lbs....
I did 1144km/711miles in one day and averaged about 120kph/75mph with a lot of the cruising around 160/100mph. Even with the Ninja's windscreen my neck was sore from the helmet weighing a lot (older Scorpion ex 400). I got like 3hrs of massages over the next days to relieve it.
Long story short, heavy helmets suck.

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  • Premium Member
Is it only on HUGE helmets...what if you have a little head? 
OK, gimme some credit, it was kinda funny
You know what they say about guys with huge helmets... 
They have a larger than normal cranium.  (what were you thinking?)   :)
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Or tiny ones, but the Arai Doom helmet has all sizes. I bought my HJC a few months back for $150 I would have gladly spend $340ish on a helmet weighing 2.2lbs.... 
I did 1144km/711miles in one day and averaged about 120kph/75mph with a lot of the cruising around 160/100mph. Even with the Ninja's windscreen my neck was sore from the helmet weighing a lot (older Scorpion ex 400). I got like 3hrs of massages over the next days to relieve it.
Long story short, heavy helmets suck.
They suck even worse in a crash. Inertia is a harsh mistress... 
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Inertia is a harsh mistress...
I like that.

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me.
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause...till it come back to me.

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