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Welcome to Vagabond Motorsports, our new Supporting Vendor!


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I am so thrilled to announce that Vagabond Motorsports has decided to come on board as a Supporting Vendor!
Vagabond is a great company who really is committed to outstanding customer service! I am sure that they will be a pillar of our community for a long time and you guys and gals will love their Sliders and Brake Relocation kits! they are also working on adding other parts as well.
Please visit their Board

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  • Premium Member

Welcome Vagabond! Is there a preferred ordering method for fz07.org members, or just normal process via their website?

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They will explain their details tomorrow, I kinda jumped the gun on this post. I'm just really excited to have a slider and Brake resivor relocation Vendor. the latter will allow the removal of the rear pegs for those who ride alone.

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