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new idaho member


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  • Premium Member

Howdy! I'm Chris and am located in Nampa, Idaho. Have been riding for around 10 years now, longer if I count offroad. Purchased my fz07 new back in april and have loved every minute I get to spend with her. Installed a yoshi exhaust before I had logged 100 miles. Shortly there after I purchased a fender eliminator kit, light kit, bar end mirrors, and my PC5. I have a few more mods I'm going to do to her before I'm finished but it's a work in progress. 

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  • Premium Member

Welcome hexitnow! Glad you joined our little group!

Illegitimi non carborundum

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  • Premium Member

Welcome hexitnow!  I'm an ex-Idaho guy, and I visit frequently (I live near SLC, UT now).  Nice riding up there.

Why can't left turners see us?

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  • Premium Member

Thanks for the welcome Guys. @cruizin Anytime man. Just got off my bike not 5 minutes ago actually. Always looking for fellow riders to roll with!

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