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Looking for a helmet.


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I am looking for a decently quiet helmet that I can attach a sena 20s to. I have an icon armada now and it's really loud for long highway rides but I can put in earplugs big fitting the sena speakers in seems like. It will be a pain in the *** to fit without pressure on my ears. So anyone got any recommendations? I was going to get a schuberth s2 but everywhere. They had it on sale for 50 percent off pretty much do not have it and I'm not sure about spending 630 dollars for a helmet when on closeout it gets down to 50 percent off.

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  • Premium Member

I think you'll find that sound can be very subjective, since everyone has different levels of hearing...
But generally speaking, something with less air vents, more padding, and a denser shell will likely be quieter.
Since you have the 20s, I think checking to make sure padding separates in the area of installment is something to check for (for the clamp). I don't know if you'd be able to check that unless you checked these helmets out in person? You won't be able to see if there's ample room for you and the speakers without trying them on.... a fellow rider had those issues with their AGV when trying to install the 20s.
I have an Arai Vector 2 - The pads come off and there is no padding in the ear area, so it made for a perfect pocket to place the speakers in.

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  • Premium Member

I have only tried the Airmada, so I can't really suggest a helmet. I will say look for a helmet with a chin-skirt or other parts that try to seal the head of form the wind.

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P2: Yeah but you've been drifting
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They sell a skirt that stops the wind nosie. Idk how comfortable it is tho. Most of your noise comes from the air around the lower part of the helmet (Chin/neck).

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