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The MT-07 Forum

New member from Baltimore


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Hey all, just found / joined this forum.  I've always wanted to get a motorcycle, so next week I'll finally take the noobie riders course.  I really want to get a FZ07 for my bike, but people keep telling me to settle for a crap bike first...and also living in Baltimore doesn't help either. (My car just got broken into last week).  Anyways, anybody got recommendations on security?  I have a garage, except I don't trust it, I'll still lock it up with like 3 different chains. 8-)

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  • Premium Member
Eastern Kayaker

Welcome! Put motion sensor floodlights over your garage and lock the bike in there. Also, make sure you get insurance quotes for the FZ-07 before you buy it. The FZ-07 is considered a sport bike, you are a new rider and your location may drive up your insurance cost. Better to know the insurance cost now, rather than after you get the bike and be shocked by a high rate.

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