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Top Mounted Clip Ons


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What's everyone think about top mounted clip ons and raising the forks through the triples? The clamp would need to be thin though (maybe 25mm or less) as most of them are about 40mms.
Anyone know who makes 41mm clip ons with a thin clamp?
Saw this picture of Facebook.

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I am thinking about it as well. Doing it exactly the same way. I lowered my bike through the triple tree anyway. 
I am just slightly worried about the cable length. Also I would somehow lower the speedo. Maybe remove the lower part for mounting handlebars and attach the speedo to the triple tree. I don't have my bike with me right now so I can not check if that's possible.
I think I will just go for cheap ones like these and see if I like them http://www.ebay.com/itm/A-Pair-Riser-41MM-CNC-High-Lift-Universal-Version-Clip-Ons-Handlebar-Fork-Tubes-/272162044675?var=&hash=item3f5e1f3b03:m:msQmha3PkdO04WEwOUBf6gg&vxp=mtr

Sir LightYear

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I would be worried about how the geometry of the bike would be affected by raising the forks through the triple that much. You would signifigantly loose some trail which could cause instability, not to mention loose ground clearance.

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I would be worried about how the geometry of the bike would be affected by raising the forks through the triple that much. You would signifigantly loose some trail which could cause instability, not to mention loose ground clearance.
+1 Considering the steep angle to begin with... raising the forks another 20-30 mm :o   Unless you lower the rear correspondingly, I'll say its a bad idea.  Consider the Woodcraft clip-on adapter instead.
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  • Premium Member
I would be worried about how the geometry of the bike would be affected by raising the forks through the triple that much. You would signifigantly loose some trail which could cause instability, not to mention loose ground clearance.
+1 Considering the steep angle to begin with... raising the forks another 20-30 mm :o   Unless you lower the rear correspondingly, I'll say its a bad idea.  Consider the Woodcraft clip-on adapter instead.

I agree.  Changing the geometry just to add clip-ons might be a bad idea.  I wonder what it would cost to have extension fork caps machined on a lathe.  It could be an option for someone with a machining friend.

Craig Mapstone
Upstate New York

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+1 Considering the steep angle to begin with... raising the forks another 20-30 mm :o   Unless you lower the rear correspondingly, I'll say its a bad idea.  Consider the Woodcraft clip-on adapter instead.

I agree.  Changing the geometry just to add clip-ons might be a bad idea.  I wonder what it would cost to have extension fork caps machined on a lathe.  It could be an option for someone with a machining friend.[span]    [/span]
After reading this thread, it lead me to thinking about fork extenders also. They are available for many popular bikes that needed more trail. I couldnt find anything with a google search.
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