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The MT-07 Forum

Nesbit from New Mexico


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hey I'm Heath from south east New Mexico. I have had a Harley for the past 10 years and sold it last September cuz I needed some money. After our winter pasted I needed to get back on 2'wheels and a co-worker convinced me to look at the naked bikes and I was hooked on the FZ-07. I got a 2015 left over 6 weeks ago and been happy ever since. 
[instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/BDtKXh7MzcaDdf_t46ovgbLKSIP74SFjeOZQQ40]

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Welcome. have you named the bike yet? Welcome hope to see more posts from ya, dont be a stranger!!!!

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  • Premium Member

Welcome, Heath!
Glad you're enjoying the bike.
That's a smart co-worker you've got there!

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Excellent! Welcome....I'm not too far way over here in SE AZ. Have a great time and post some trip reports if you can.

"Look into it later when the dust is clearing off the crater" - Iggy Pop

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