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Bonjour, hello from France


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Bonjour, hello, :-)
I'am from Aurillac France, here. So, I'm sorry for my bad american writing . 
I bougth a used MT07 (mat grey) one month ago. Before, I stayed two years without motorcycle. 
In France, we have the main same problem with this bike. The rear shock is not a shock :-( and the fork do only what it can......
I'am interested in tweaking the engine. I come on this forum to read how you do this.
Best regards.

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  • Premium Member

Welcome. I agree the rear shock is weak. I replaced mine with a Matris and it made a big difference. I also replace the front springs / fork oil and it helped. I have cartridges in a box but haven't installed yet.

Why can't left turners see us?

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  • Global Moderator

Welcome et bienvenue ! Thanks for joining. Never been to Aurillac. Closet was Rodez I think. Beautiful area to ride.

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  • Premium Member

Welcome to the forum. 
Do you have any pics of the bike you can post?

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Welcome to the forum.  Do you have any pics of the bike you can post?
Oui Fabrice, on veut des photos et toujour des photos, et a propos, bienvenue. 
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