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I left "motorcycle retirement" for this bike...


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Quit riding after moving to the rainy NW, but I still check craigslist every so often to look at bikes.  
One night, I saw a

on this bike and I was hooked immediately.  Got my endorsement back and was able to get this beauty... 
Amazing, beautiful, fun bike.  A perfect return to the joy of riding.  I love it.
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  • Premium Member

Welcome karapdx! That is a cool pic of your bike. Nice to have another woman rider on the forum! Please stick around and post often so we can get to know you.

Illegitimi non carborundum

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Really cool picture,  congratulations on your new ride and nice to have another lady on board.  Too few and nice to get another point of view.  I'm sure hippiechick appreciates the new company too  :D

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  • Global Moderator

I am in the Pacific Northwest too. There are a lot of rainy days, but you cannot beat the nice ones to go for a ride. I am looking forward to riding year round (when it is mostly not raining).

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I am in the Pacific Northwest too. There are a lot of rainy days, but you cannot beat the nice ones to go for a ride. I am looking forward to riding year round (when it is mostly not raining).
I agree!  I think the PNW has some of the most beautiful and diverse scenic rides.  Slowly exploring it mile by mile!
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Welcome karapdx! That is a cool pic of your bike. Nice to have another woman rider on the forum! Please stick around and post often so we can get to know you.
Thanks hippiebikerchick!  Nice to meet you!
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