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Going to take MSF class in July; then purchase FZ-07!


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Hi all,
Just wanted to say hi. I live in SoCal. 23. Super excited to take the MSF course in July and then finally purchase the beloved Fz-07!
Looking to get the Gray/Yellow color scheme or potentially used Red/Black color scheme. Literally just sat on one last Saturday and could not believe how light it felt. I'm 5'7" and my buddy told me i look small on it, but i dont care ;)
It is super awesome checking out everyone's posts/questions/pics on this forum and I cant wait to have some valuable input in the next coming months/years!
P.S. My parents are going to HATE me lol...

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That's a good move, taking the MSF coarse first. Word of warning though, the FZ-07 will probably have a lot more torque than the MSF bikes, so concentrate on smooth throttle control when you start out. Your gonna love it!

Why can't left turners see us?

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good choice, buddy!
I'm from socal too and there's a decent group of us here
I agree with @rowdy - maybe find an empty parking lot and get a good hang of the FZ before hitting the streets with it cause the MSF won't prepare you.
If you've got time until the MSF course you can also grab a couple books and learn a few things
"Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well" and "Total Control: High Performance Street Riding Techniques" are good places to start.
You can even find the "Twist of the wrist" video online

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Without pics of a bike I can only assume this tale is fictitious and that you are a bot trying to fit into the human crowd.  ;)  I'm joking. I say get the red/black and as mentioned, go easy on that throttle at first. Good luck and welcome aboard. 


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good choice, buddy! I'm from socal too and there's a decent group of us here
I agree with @rowdy - maybe find an empty parking lot and get a good hang of the FZ before hitting the streets with it cause the MSF won't prepare you.
If you've got time until the MSF course you can also grab a couple books and learn a few things
"Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well" and "Total Control: High Performance Street Riding Techniques" are good places to start.
You can even find the "Twist of the wrist" video online
That's actually a sweet idea! I am taking the class in a month or so; so if i can start preparing now that would be even better. Thanks for the post! 
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Eastern Kayaker

Be sure to get insurance quotes for the FZ-07. You are a new rider in your twenties, rates may be high for you. Better to find out now, before you purchase the bike. Good luck!

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Welcome, fellow SoCal rider!
If this is going to be your first bike, I'd recommend some frame sliders... You will most likely drop it... IT just happens. Also another good reason to buy used.
OH and do you live with your parents right now? I had to move out in order to buy my first bike. HAHA.

Instagram: @meekmade | You don't need to flat foot a bike to ride it.

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Everyone I talk to says I should get frame sliders so im guessing I will!
I do at the moment haha, I haven't dropped the bomb on them yet; they still dont know. They'll know soon enough. Cant wait for that conversation! LOL

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My dad use to ride... he actually helped me secretly purchase my first bike. I just had to break it to my mom by showing up at the house on it.
Can't say this will happen with you, but my mother has come around. She even came and helped me to purchase of FZ07.
LOL Good luck!

Instagram: @meekmade | You don't need to flat foot a bike to ride it.

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If you've got time until the MSF course you can also grab a couple books and learn a few things "Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well" and "Total Control: High Performance Street Riding Techniques" are good places to start.
You can even find the "Twist of the wrist" video online
I bought both of those books and read them before the MSF class, and watched Twist 2 on YouTube. No prior motorcycle or dirt bike experience. Took the class in early May, bought my FZ-07 late May, rode it 250 miles home the same day on back roads and interstates. Be gentle on the bike when you first get it and you'll be just fine. Remember smooth throttle and clutch operation combined with long following distance. 

his face seems pulled and tense
like he's riding on a motorbike in the strongest winds

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