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Changing Time


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Okay, so my bike finally arrived yesterday. In all the excitement, I forgot to get my users manual. I will pick it up over the weekend, but can anyone tell me how to adjust the time on my display?  

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Turn key to "on"
Push the left set button and right set button together for at least 2 seconds
When the hour digits start flashing, push the right set button to set the hours
Push the left set button, and the minute digits will start flashing
Push the right set button to set the minutes
Push the left set button and then release it to start the clock

Illegitimi non carborundum

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Okay, so my bike finally arrived yesterday. In all the excitement, I forgot to get my users manual. I will pick it up over the weekend, but can anyone tell me how to adjust the time on my display?  
Insert key at side of motorcycle, lift off rear pillion seat, open manual :) ... It's supposed to be under the seat with a little tool kit.
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Turn key to "on" Push the left set button and right set button together for at least 2 seconds
When the hour digits start flashing, push the right set button to set the hours
Push the left set button, and the minute digits will start flashing
Push the right set button to set the minutes
Push the left set button and then release it to start the clock
Hippiebikerchick .. not nice, that's the self-destruct sequence  :o
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