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What were YOUR Retail Prices?


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So I'm looking to purchase an Fz-07 and just want to find out what you guys may have stolen your for?  I understand MSRP here in the US is $6990. Some get it for much more and some for far less. What was your Out The Door price? Does anyone know what the dealer paid for your bike?

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I have no idea what the dealer paid for, but the out the door price for mine was ~6400. Westfield Powersports in Indiana.

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cool, good to know, I'm trying to rack up a good bit of knowledge for this week to see who makes me pull the trigger on this. Thanks, I really appreciate it!

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Wait and go back to the dealer on a snowy day in January. When they haven't sold a bike in weeks and will drop price and make you a sandwich in order to pay the rent.
I always buy new bikes during the nastiest blizzards. Got my FZ-09 for a song, $600 under msrp plus free delivery.

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I bought mine in the middle of summer as soon as the FZ-07 came out. Next time I will use the @admin method. I am not complaining, I know I paid a premium to get it when I wanted. Now that I already have a bike I will not mind waiting a while if I buy a new one.

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I have no idea what the dealer paid for, but the out the door price for mine was ~6400. Westfield Powersports in Indiana.
Would you mind sharing the breakup? I see that Westfield Powersports always seem to have best prices advertised. And I believe yours is a 2016?
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I bought mine last August and it is a 2015. Bare in mind they released the 2016's by this time and the sticker price was ~$300-400 more. Mine had a sticker price of $6k. The extra $400 came from dealership fees.
Even though Westfield Powersports has ridiculous fees, they are still the cheapest around. It's kinda funny because anytime I walk into a dealership and the workers ask me where I bought my bike, I tell them and they get kinda sour. Looks like Westfield Powersports has been stealing a lot of business from other dealerships.

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moving this where it belongs boys.
Sorry I didn't catch this earlier!, Other forum I've been on never picked up on sales prices because the bike is much older xD I'll keep a better eye out for this sort of thing from now on. 
On a side note, San Diego, CA I walked out with an OTD price of about $7600~
I need to go pick the bike up after making the down payment so I'm not sure of the exact details but for anyone who's interested and in this area, I went to South Bay Motor Sport 1st and they mentioned something about it going to be $9k~ OTD and I left immediately hoping that wasn't the case.
Then my thread here got moved and I nearly read through all the other threads here including that 32 pg. one that had tons of info.
Then I went and called Fun Bike Center and they're the ones who got this price for me (after insisting that it couldn't be done) and an "employee discount" on any accessories bought within the next 30 days. Whatever that means...
Not the best price by far but most people here in SD don't get the best price or the best service. SBMS guys were lying in my face, these guys were sneaking it in lol
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Got mine for $6990 plus all the extras, they wouldn't budge off the price. They were cold, calculating, sunny weather Florida dealers. I don't want to remember what I paid OTD, please don't make me think about it, I don't want the shakes.


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In the UK they retail $6635 US thats everything except insurance ride away price,
there's 10% in it for the dealer, I don't have a clue as to the price I payed
but got a geed deal, if you want any extras it can work out cheaper to get them
in the deal rather than going for the last bit of discount, remember the dealer
will have profit in them to.
Theres more profit in higher end pedal cycles than motor bikes and many 
dealers are selling them alongside motor bikes.

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@ralph , I have not seen a motorcycle dealer that sells bicycles in the US. It makes sense, but for some reason it just does not happen here.

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I bought mine last August and it is a 2015. Bare in mind they released the 2016's by this time and the sticker price was ~$300-400 more. Mine had a sticker price of $6k. The extra $400 came from dealership fees. 
Even though Westfield Powersports has ridiculous fees, they are still the cheapest around. It's kinda funny because anytime I walk into a dealership and the workers ask me where I bought my bike, I tell them and they get kinda sour. Looks like Westfield Powersports has been stealing a lot of business from other dealerships.
Thank you for the info. Yes I feel the same, I feel Westfield Powersports has the best advertised prices not just in the area but in multiple states combined. What I did not know is how much they will come down and how much the fees are.
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@ralph , I have not seen a motorcycle dealer that sells bicycles in the US. It makes sense, but for some reason it just does not happen here.
Now Westfield Powersports in Indiana does that.   
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