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Welcome, buddy!
I hope it wasn't you who dented all those pylons in the background! P-)

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Welcome, buddy! I hope it wasn't you who dented all those pylons in the background! P-)

Ha! Those remind me of the poles in the ground for downhill skiers. It's not like they are designed to stop you but just to slap you for your mistake just before you run smack into a wall and die.  :D


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  • Premium Member
Welcome, buddy! I hope it wasn't you who dented all those pylons in the background! P-)

Ha! Those remind me of the poles in the ground for downhill skiers. It's not like they are designed to stop you but just to slap you for your mistake just before you run smack into a wall and die.  :D
I just learned this recently from Reddit but, apparently, you're not supposed to hit the wall.
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Instagram: @meekmade | You don't need to flat foot a bike to ride it.

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