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The MT-07 Forum

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Welcome to the FZ07 Forum. Take a sec to read thru this and your forum experience will be smooth and fun.
We are a chill group of riders and if you would like to save money and work on your fz07 yourself, our tech tips section is full of step by step instructions on popular maintenance, upgrade and even repair.
The more you share here, the more you'll get back, we promise.
Upload pics of your bike into a reply or a new post by clicking the button that says "Add image to post".
and then either drag in your pic or click the "browse from your computer". (phone uploads coming March-2017
You can call someone's attention to your post by clicking the membersearch.png and start typing that members name. They will get a notification when clicked, takes them to your post.
If you are a company who wants to sell a killer product here, we have a program that delivers loyal fz07 customers but you need permission first, pm the Admin @admin
If you need help fixing or installing something on your FZ-07, click search up top inside left of this forum. If you dont find a tech tip then ask in the problems and answers board
If you find a good deal on a part, please share the retail link. You can post a link to anything by first pasting the browser address from the retail page.
The most popular FZ-07 upgrades and parts can be found here Revzilla FZ-07 Parts and accessories
More coming, so bookmark this post by clicking the icon-options.png button at the very top right of your post. Bookmarked threads can be found easily

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7 hours ago, Jss said:

New here. Just wanted to say hello.

Welcome and congrats! Tell us a little about yourself, where you're from, your plans for the bike, etc. 


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Hello all, I am a new member, a new MT-07 owner and a new rider ( 1 year with a bike 2 years with my M2 license Canadian, we have a graduated system).


I am looking forward to reading other peoples insights on the model I spent a fair amount of time researching.

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