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Where do you guys park?


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Okay so in the short 6 weeks I've been riding I've been bitched at countless times because I'm "taking up" a spot a car could. To me it makes no sense because many places don't have motorcycle only parking. Been told to park by the door against the wall, and to park on the ends of rows on the crossed lines. A couple of problems with that:
1. here in Texas parking lots aren't private property. So cops can still give you tickets. A sidewalk isn't a legal parking spot and the end cap lines are 9 times out of 10 loading/unloading for handicap individuals (although 99% of the cagers I see park there aren't handicapped).
2. These individuals aren't the owners so they really don't have a say. If the owner is okay with me parking by the door or right up front I'm all for it.
To kinda test the waters once I parked on the end (with a regular spot not handicap) and came out to a cop waiting to tell me it isn't okay to park there. So I didn't even try the large sidewalk against the building.
It's irritating that people think less of bikes because they're smaller. Today I parked beside a BMW Sportsbike that was in a spot by itself. A group of three walked by and one looked at me and said "yeah I'm so cool I have to park by another motorcycle." To which I replied "which one you wanna bitch about? The fact that I parked in the same spot as a bike to save space, or that I took the spot a car could've when I can share with another bike?" I guess he expected me to put my tail between my legs and cower off without saying a word because his face turned red and he shut it real quick. Sorry for the long post/rant.
Anyways where do y'all park? Just got my curiosity going.

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Sorry you're getting shit for being considerate about parking. Like, really?!
I'd check your local laws to really determine where you can/can't park. But sounds like you already did.
But honestly, park where you deem fit. It's not your fault there isn't moto parking where you are. If car-sized spots are the only spots, that's where ya park. Just watch out for oil spots in the middle or parking too forward into one that someone thinks the spot is open when it's not.

Instagram: @meekmade | You don't need to flat foot a bike to ride it.

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Sorry you're getting shet for being considerate about parking. Like, really?! 
I'd check your local laws to really determine where you can/can't park. But sounds like you already did.
But honestly, park where you deem fit. It's not your fault there isn't moto parking where you are. If car-sized spots are the only spots, that's where ya park. Just watch out for oil spots in the middle or parking too forward into one that someone thinks the spot is open when it's not.

Yeah after that first cop told me it wasn't okay to park there I asked a few others and researched a little to make sure I wasn't just getting yanked around. 
thats another reason I like parking at least two deep in a spot, easier to see two bikes in a spot than one. 
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I've never been bitched at for parking in a regular space. I can only think of one place in the city that even has a motorcycle parking area. If anyone wants to complain about me parking in a space they can gripe all they want. That really means nothing to me where a ticket for parking somewhere else means money gone that I could have spent on bike parts.
My question is do people park at the back of the space so people don't hit you if they swing in too quick, or at the front so maybe they see you first and just keep looking?

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I would also suggest that we politely request to the management of these establishments that they consider adding motorcycle parking. Preferably after you've spent some $$ with them to show we're worth the effort.
Even it it's in the back of the lot, I'd prefer proper motorcycle parking to keep my bike from getting knock over by some cager not paying attention.
Sorry, To answer your question I park away from other vehicles whenever possible. but not out of sight. I take up the back half but not all the way at the end of the spot. though I like to park where there is no one parked on either side.

Just shut up and ride.

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A friend of mine was told by parking enforcement that it is illegal here to have two vehicles in the same parking spot. They were both motorcycles and easily fit in the spot. Hopefully that is just local stupidity and not the case elsewhere.

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There's not much you should do differently. Maybe you could make sure to park towards the space opening so that no one pulls in without seeing your bike, then gets pissed off when they have to back out.

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I park where ever I see fit, ie any vehicle space. Ive never had words or issue with anyone self-righteous enough to offer up direct judgement, those who do can stuff it and suck it.

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.          Fuss Life.

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I park in parking spots...if anyone says anything about it, I tell them that I'm sorry they are miserable and I keep doing my thing.

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If there is no designated motorcycle parking, I don't see anything wrong with taking up a normal sized spot. Just park towards the back so you're visible. Although, I might be a bit biased because almost nowhere has moto parking where I am, and sidewalks and crossed lines are definitely off limits, so no one has ever given me a hard time. Sometimes I do think it would be more efficient if I wasn't taking up a whole space, though!

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As a paying customer you have every right to park in a full size spot. How dare anyone bitch at you about it. I'd tell them to blow it out their arse!
I've parked on the sidewalk, in the endcap areas, by myself it a spot or next to a bike in a spot. I've also come out and had another bike sharing a spot with me. It's all good man. :)

Illegitimi non carborundum

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i park in "regular" spots. f*ck them in any case. i also park
anywhere i can stick it as close to where i'm going as i can. i consider it motorcycle
privilege and no one messes with bikes really here in Austin...no matter
where we park.

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As a paying customer you have every right to park in a full size spot. How dare anyone bitch at you about it. I'd tell them to blow it out their arse! 
I've parked on the sidewalk, in the endcap areas, by myself it a spot or next to a bike in a spot. I've also come out and had another bike sharing a spot with me. It's all good man. :)
This reminded me of the cats "if I fits I sits" quote everyone says xD
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Been parking in car spots for 3 years now, never had anyone say a word to me.

A friend of mine was told by parking enforcement that it is illegal here to have two vehicles in the same parking spot. They were both motorcycles and easily fit in the spot. Hopefully that is just local stupidity and not the case elsewhere.
My girl and I both always ride to starbucks and always park 2 bikes in one car spot (because there isn't much spots in the one we ride to). Did it right in front of cops sitting out in the veranda tables twice, and both times they never said a word.

Engaging with people that have personality disorders on a message board is like arguing with a rock.

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Good to know others feel the same I do.. makes me nervous and I pick my spots carefully being that when I had just hit 1k miles on the bike I'd only had it 3 days and I came outside about 1 am from doing a quick run to the gas station (only me and a truck in the lot) and my left turn signal was laying on the ground behind my bike and there was about an inch gash going down the side of my bike.. most of it buffed out but there's still about 2 inches that it just scraped the plastic away. Filed a police report and low and behold the officer they turned the paperwork to in the day shift didn't follow up to get the tapes in the morning. It would've been and open and shut case being that me and the guy I parked next to are military both in uniform so our names and ranks are clearly shown on video. Not to mention the 30 cameras all over the store/lot. But that's military police at their finest lemme tell ya..

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A friend of mine was told by parking enforcement that it is illegal here to have two vehicles in the same parking spot. They were both motorcycles and easily fit in the spot. Hopefully that is just local stupidity and not the case elsewhere.
Here in El Paso they only care if there's a meter and two bikes park together. In Colorado we squeezed 3 bikes in one spot and no one said anything just looked smiled and walked by.
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I would also suggest that we politely request to the management of these establishments that they consider adding motorcycle parking. Preferably after you've spent some $$ with them to show we're worth the effort. 
Even it it's in the back of the lot, I'd prefer proper motorcycle parking to keep my bike from getting knock over by some cager not paying attention.
Sorry, To answer your question I park away from other vehicles whenever possible. but not out of sight. I take up the back half but not all the way at the end of the spot. though I like to park where there is no one parked on either side.
Ive asked a few places around here and was told it might detour people in cars to come if they add motorcycle parking behind the handicap spots because they have to walk farther.. some places like Walmart have huge sidewalks and I asked why it couldn't be there and was told the sidewalk isn't a parking lot. I asked about the side lots and was told some people like to park there. I was like damn can you put it anywhere? lol I think a lot of places just don't like bikes.
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Good to know others feel the same I do.. makes me nervous and I pick my spots carefully being that when I had just hit 1k miles on the bike I'd only had it 3 days and I came outside about 1 am from doing a quick run to the gas station (only me and a truck in the lot) and my left turn signal was laying on the ground behind my bike and there was about an inch gash going down the side of my bike.. most of it buffed out but there's still about 2 inches that it just scraped the plastic away. Filed a police report and low and behold the officer they turned the paperwork to in the day shift didn't follow up to get the tapes in the morning. It would've been and open and shut case being that me and the guy I parked next to are military both in uniform so our names and ranks are clearly shown on video. Not to mention the 30 cameras all over the store/lot. But that's military police at their finest lemme tell ya..
That hurts my heart to read. I hate people. I've always parked in regular spots. My thinking is that if I was driving a car, I'd be taking up that same spot anyway, so whats the big deal if its a bike. A vehicle is a vehicle.... 
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Wow, no one has ever said anything to me. I could take my car alone and use up the same spot. Sometimes I'll come out of the store and a stranger's bike is with mine in my spot. For some reason I feel a bit intruded upon but I also think that it's my problem and the other rider is doing a smart thing.

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Here in Montreal, motorcycles are allowed to park on the end of parking meter parkings (where there is a triangle). Also next to the Bixi stands (Bikes you can rent and drop off). So finding free spots downtown is pretty easy!

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In Austin it can get pretty crowded, depending on the day, the area, the event going on. Downtown sucked for parking, you almost always had to pay for a spot either in a garage or a parking lot. You're at their mercy usually, sorry. I actually had a guy move my bike into a fire zone behind where I parked so that he could have my spot. Yep, I caught him walking away from his car and I asked him if that was his car. It was. I lit his ear on fire. He moped away, tail tucked, ha! I digress.


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I park with another bike if there's one already in a space but generally park in a normal slot. Nobody has said anything to me in 30+ years riding regarding where I parked. Also, I only recall seeing a dedicated motorcycle parking space one time and that was in an apartment complex.

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So, they bitch... SO WHAT? If there is no dedicated cycle parking (which some places do have, like the university I last worked at) you have as much right to the spot as the cage... any cage. If you actually are confronted in person you might ask if they'd like it better if you were driving a tiny car (Smart, etc.). NO, not really; that's a good way to get shot today... or worse, your bike run into. Btw, if anyone hassled me, I would make a point of getting their plate number, just in case. But, on total, be smart. No parking place, under any circumstance other than a loved one on the verge of dying in the hospital who might not survive while you park elsewhere is worth it.
I might add on a personal note, I ALWAYS park all my vehicles at the far edges of any and all lots. This protects them and is good for my health and sanity... just suggesting. Who hassles ya about parking off by yourself far from the final destination???

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