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I just purchased these bad boys.  Although, it doesn't get too cold here in Southern California a couple weeks ago it was about 37 on my hour commute to work, not counting the wind.  While my body and legs were fine, my hands just hurt.  I hope I can get by with these to block the wind. I was in between choosing these Moose racing handshields and the barkbusters universal hand guards.  I only plan on using them 3 months a year so I went with the inexpensive shields.
I'll post pictures soon
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0022ZUUCO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1      the handshields

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I'm interested in how well they work for you. (and if you think they look ugly) I'm in Norcal and only need them a few months too. I know what you mean about everything else is ok but the hands hurt. My throttle hand especially gets so cold!

Illegitimi non carborundum

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Epic fail, These hand shields needs hand guards otherwise they will be up against the brake and clutch lever. They are easy too install but are inconvenient if you drive over 40 mph

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