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ANYBODY know the Bar end bolt size


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So this is my situation.  I bought some moose racing hand shields for the cold weather. Before buying I read the reviews and some said they didn't need a hard hand guard and some did. Well, I bought them and they are definitely needed as they brush up against the brake and cluth levers. Thus, making it unable to right comfortably and safely.  I should have bought the universal fit barkbusters for 110 but I went with these at 25$ and now I can't return.
So I figure I can make this work by buying lever guards but I would like to know what the bar end size is.  Something similar to this.
I would like to buy this to secure the handguards
The handguards  I bought  ,    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0022ZUUCO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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