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Added a 5" Garmin GPS


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I've used Garmin GPS's for some time, doing everything one would expect with them in addition to using them as instantaneous, telltale "speedos" when racing at Bonneville. I've always been pleased with their performance and durability.  So, I recently decided to add one to the 07, admittedly as much for the fun of doing so as for any possible utility.
Deciding how to mount one was the challenge.  Garmin makes a gazillion models with differing screen sizes, the vast majority of which are not intended for outdoor use.  So, there were several considerations for a mount.  It could be permanently mounted if I had my wife make a small, water-tight, black, elastic-edged cover for it, but she has enough projects of her own.  So, however I mounted it had to allow quick and easy removal (no, I wasn't about to spend the much higher price for dedicated "bike" units).  Also, there is some variance among the different models as to where the power cord attaches, and of course one must be able to access the on/off switch which is on the top-left of all the ones I've experience with.  Also, I had no interest in wiring it to the 07's accessory outlet since the GPS I got has an advertized battery life of three hours, far, far more than I need.
I wanted to put the GPS right above (meaning to the front of) the factory read-out/display.  Limited room in this location and the desire to tuck the unit down out of the wind/weather behind my modified-mount Puig wind-screen was important.  How I opted to mount the Puig, tipped back more than designed to be, caused some clearance issues and limited screen size to 5-inch.  For example, not being sure I could get to the key and not yet having the unit in-hand nor the mount determined, I made the key into a "levered switch" (I've pix and related comments at the recent key-fob thread here).  Of course, I had to be able to turn the GPS on/off and plug it in to recharge it.
Some of my design solutions were quite elegant and would have been impressive, but after all options were considered I decided to go with simplicity (not my usual "solution mode" according to my wife) and just cut out a 0.050 aluminum piece, drilled a couple holes to mount it to the instrument bracket mount, bent it 90-ish degrees in the brake, and painted it... laughing at how simple this "solution" was compared to ANY/ALL of my others. 
That left how to attach the actual GPS???  It occurred to me that something I had on hand and have used for all sorts of silliness was "Industrial Velcro!"  Way easier and quicker than slotted, moveable, lockable, rubberized holding-rods, etc. etc. 
The GPS is proving to be pretty handy on the many and varied paved back-roads that run all through the hilly woods I live amid or near.  I've quit looking for the ol' parish (counties to the rest of the country) map I lost some time ago. ;-)  

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Nice Avanti, sometimes simple is best and industrial Velcro is often an overlooked mounting solution. So how does the stock speedo readout compare to the GPS, at say around 65-75 mph range. (with stock gearing I presume)

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I run my 7" samsung tablet as dedicated GPS no need for data or Wifi I use IGo maps. best thing I ever downloaded.
Now I do not have a need for a wind screen :)  it never flown off yet even at 170kph 

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rossco, I'm assuming you mounted with Velcro, as well? It looks like from your pic that there are some sort of tabs at the corners? The first time I road with the GPS attached I put a fairly loose wire-tie around it to be cautious and test the mount. The thing didn't cost much but my luck if it flew off it would land corner down on the pavement in front of a log truck and not off in the soft grass. Obviously, doing the math, a safty should not and was not needed and was soon removed. The thin-type Velcro industrial packaging states: 10#/sq.in., which for my situation = 75#!
As for accuracy of the stock speedo, I've simply not checked, markster... (DUH, on my part) but, I'll put it on my agenda for the next ride and reply here. Perhaps, rossco or someone else has already reported on their bikes??? And, yes, stock gearing.
Oh, yeah, rossco. Your pic reminds me I need to switch my screen vehicle to a gray bike. ;-)

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it is the Ram mount for 7" tablet called Tab tite. yes 2 velcro strips as well just in case. works fantastic and folds away if needed. battery last over 7 hours at 35% brightness which is more then enough most of the time. night time I run it at 10% and it can go forever. 3d maps and historical traffic patterns give me detours etc.
Speedo is 7kph fast once above 30kph gets up to 8kph faster then real speed above 100.  Same thing for my R3 

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Avanti, a speedo comparison would be nice, rossco threw me with kph, looks like about 5 mph fast at 60 mph? Would explain why I'm getting passed on the freeway at 75 mph indicated.
Does this imply that the odometer/tripmeter is also off? If so then my fuel mileage calculations would be off also I guess.

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Works well for blocking wind.... but gps/speedo is kida hard to see in the bottom left corner
[span]That tab-tite RamMount system is awesome though    [/span]

ATGATT... ATTATT, two acronyms I live by.

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I Just went for a ride to compare the speedo outputs. My bike has stock gearing and the stock Michelin tires. The Garmin is a bit slow to refresh compared to the bike but it seems the two outputs are together, spot-on. If there is a difference (I could not see it consistently one way or the other) it must be VERY slight. Btw, I checked up to 70mph.
However, I discovered why I hadn't noticed the speed readout on the Garmin... it is directly behind the upper-right "bump" atop the Yami display! Double-DUH! In my infinite design wisdom... but, as it turns out, one doesn't need it anyway.
Also, if anyone might be considering similar, it would have been good to have lowered the Garmin an inch to reduce glare a bit.  I could easily fab another bracket but the way I chose to redesign the windscreen mount allowing me to add small aluminum "wings" to it and tip it more rakishly would make putting in the screws for the new bracket a PITA without removing the windscreen, which itself requires access from the back.  Sometimes it is good to do ALL ones installations and fabbing at one time, hehehe.  Oh, well, I may still deal with this at some point but it's going to have to bother me more later than now since I always have other projects awaiting.  Btw, I've ordered a little snap-on sun-screen/visor for the Garmin; I'll see if it helps any.  As long as the sun doesn't fall directly on the display it's okay as is.  And, for safety sake one doesn't really need to be fiddling with the thing while actually riding, anyway.

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it could just be CAN spec bikes.. lots said it was spot on but of course ever 1mph i get 2-3 more numbers. so a little more detailed.
at 60MPH im doing 57ish if that helps
looks like Ram Mount updated the design 
Here is mine
looks great. 

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rossco, maybe something IS wonky with the factory Canadian speedo-programming related to your speedo results, but I'd not think so given my results, and apparently others, too. Have other Canadians reported similar? European bikes? I just don't know. What tires do you have?

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Stock pilot 3s I've tested with phone GPS and Garmin, all were the same also we have radar signs that tell you your speed that were also on point with GPS. Maybe Canadian thing. Not that big of a deal

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