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tank-sensor measured


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For my cockpit project I needed this kind of data. So I drove till the tank was empty...then I refilled it liter after liter and measured the tank sensor.

The tank sensor is quite linear to the amount of fuel.
Under 3l (liter) the tank sensor has always the same value (215.7Ohm).
More than 11l the tank-sensor has always 9.9Ohm.

Maybe it's usefuel for someone else.

Full throttle guys! :)

PS: I drove 73.2km in reserve till the tank was empty.


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Here also some data what exactly the original cockpit shows you.

in words:

- in that moment when you see only 5 bars there are 9,9l ( 71%) left.
- in that moment when you see only 4 bars there are 8,7l ( 62%) left.
- in that moment when you see only 3 bars there are 7,6l ( 54%) left.
- in that moment when you see only 2 bars there are 6,3l ( 45% ) left.
- in that moment when you see only 1 bars there are 4,7l ( 34% ) left.
- in that moment when it starts to flash there are 3,2l ( 23% ) left.


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Very useful. Thanks.

You are doing the analogue instruments aren't you. Do you intend to make a more linear gauge?

Go forth and modify my son...go forth and modify...

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yes thats me. I'll try to make it as linear as possible.
Btw in reality the tank capacity is more 13l than 14l.

In my opinion Yamaha should make only 5 bars and every bar like 2liter. Than it would feel linear. I think I will make it like this.

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Ah yes. A simple shift of goal posts.

I get slightly MORE than 14l by drilling a hole in the very top of the metal just inside the cap ( VERY carefully). As I live outside a metro area in Australia fuel stations are reasonably far apart so I try and maximize the fill. Stupidly small tank for Australia. The MT07 base model in Australia was specifically made for beginner riders so has a different engine ( ish) so why didn't that make an Australian fuel tank at the same time.

I watch your project with interest.

Go forth and modify my son...go forth and modify...

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I would have been happier if the spec sheet said 4 gallons (15 liters). That most of us can't seem to get in more than 3.3-ish gallons is one of the few things about this bike that actually annoys me.


That said, with a calm right hand, I can get near 70 mpg, so the seat and my arse become more a limiting step than the fuel.


I've no real issue with the fuel gauge not being linear - as long as it's consistent at the bottom of the scale and you know you've got x miles left to find fuel, that's all that really matters imo.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9.10.2017. at 9:04 PM, stev74 said:

Here also some data what exactly the original cockpit shows you.

in words:

- in that moment when you see only 5 bars there are 9,9l ( 71%) left.
- in that moment when you see only 4 bars there are 8,7l ( 62%) left.
- in that moment when you see only 3 bars there are 7,6l ( 54%) left.
- in that moment when you see only 2 bars there are 6,3l ( 45% ) left.
- in that moment when you see only 1 bars there are 4,7l ( 34% ) left.
- in that moment when it starts to flash there are 3,2l ( 23% ) left.



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Dude, I wish I had a binary thinking brain, still stuck in ANALog ;)

Awesome stuff

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.” --Thomas Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria

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First, thank you to Steve for posting these data!


If the steps are consistent from fill-up to fill-up, and reasonably unaffected by temperature, it means that this tank is really difficult to fill to the exact same level every time. At least in my experience.  I have experience everything from 9 to 11 litre fitting into the tank when it goes on reserve. In fact, my experience is that the gauge can vary quite a bit, even on reserve, meaning that in my experience, the fuel remaining in the tank when the F starts flashing can vary by a noticeable amount from one ride to the next. I may be wrong, of course. 


Here are a few things that kind of belong here IMO - mods feel free to remove if not appropriate.



6   blocks to 5 70 miles =70 miles
5                 4 30 miles =100 miles
4                 3 30 miles =130 miles
3                 2 30 miles =160 miles
2                 1 24 miles =184 miles
1        to flash 29 miles =213 miles
flash to empty 55 miles =268 miles
it started cutting under acceleration for a few miles before it stopped
and I got 13.44 ltr in to fill the tank,



Today, my engine began missing after a little less than 360 km. I was certain there should be at least one litre left of fuel. The stuttering became worse, and I still had a bit to go to the gas station. In the end, I began shaking the bike from side to side, which helped momentarily. We did make it to the petrol station with 365 km showing, 70.9 km since the "E" began flashing. When the fuel sat above the filler neck I had 12.9 litre on the pump, meaning there should have been 1.1 litre left in the tank. Perhaps there was. Perhaps not. Anyway, it means that there is 10 % less capacity than promised until sputtering. Pretty annoying.



 The reserve is claimed to be 2.7 liters (0.7 gallons), but who knows how accurate that is. Also, the fuel gauge seems to differ in its accuracy, with owners observing anything from 7.8 to 10.5 litres going in when the F starts flashing.



On my bike, for the first 4 times, the E began flashing after 233 km, but the amount of fuel I could get in varied by 20 %. The higher the consumption displayed by the on board computer, the more fuel I had to put in.
Then, today something strange happened. My display was down to the final block with 205 km since last reset. However, after about 15 km, I got another block showing up on the display, as if more fuel had been added. In the end, the E began flashing after 256 km. I rode for another 59 km and filled it to the brim with 11.43 litres for an average of 3.6 l / 100 km. Or 65 mpgUS.



437.6km (271.9 miles)
13.55 litres
Dash avg consumption 3.2l/100km
Actual consumption 3.09l/100km 
Didnt stop and probably could've done another 5 or so km but didnt feel like pushing it (literally and metaphorically)



I hogged out the unleaded fuel restrictor to allow the use of a quick fill jug. This had the unintended side effect of enlarging the useful capacity of the tank, I can now fill it to the bottom of the cap. 
Used a bronze chisel to remove throat restrictor.


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